
By Ben Macpherson July 9, 2012
It’s commonly accepted that up-to-date CV data is to recruiters what a sharp saw is to a carpenter – a fundamental requirement to do the job! There are currently around 150 million CV’s stored on databases of recruitment companies in the UK, that’s five for every worker! Obviously there’s massive duplication but that aside, estimates indicate that less than 3% have been updated within 6 months. That amounts to a huge mass of out of date information. Finding a practical method of keeping CV’s up to date is the recruiters Holy Grail – and equally as elusive. The process usually involves contacting each candidate and large amounts of manual data sifting which is often outsourced. Either way, it’s generally a costly and slow exercise and a bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge – once you get to the end you have to start again! It’s for this reason that most recruiters don’t do anything and their CV data simply grows old and becomes redundant. One perhaps more practical solution is iProfile. iProfile are CV data cleansing experts and they offer a cost effective solution that meets the challenge head on. They cross matches your CV database with their dynamic Recruiters CV Exchange of over 7million candidate records on a continual 24/7 basis. Their technology searches out the most up to date information for every candidate whose CV you hold and automatically updates your candidate record. The iProfile Recruiters CV Exchange is currently accessed by more than 2,000 recruiters and collects over 300,000 updates every month. On average, recruiters get 10 updates for every one update that they contribute to the exchange. The whole thing is completely automated and it all happens by consultants simply doing their job. The net result is a continually maintained CV database providing a rich source of current candidate data. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the confidence that you can find the right candidate from within your own data pool and reduce the need to advertise vacancies. iProfile have a catalogue of good case studies and they’ve helped many recruitment companies, big and small, increase their placements without increasing advertising spend. Russell Jaques of Additional Resources recently commented “We had a CV database of 190,000 that was badly out of date. Adopting iProfile enabled us to resurface about 90,000 candidates from our database as a result of which we’ve seen our ad spend drop by nearly 50%. Our consultants love iProfile! Great product!” Booking a no obligation online demonstration with iProfile is free, and you could find out how a more up to date database can save you money, and still make it easier to place a candidate.
By Ben Macpherson July 2, 2012
The new iProfile has turned around the fortunes of its predecessors in the first year of trading by posting a pre-tax profit for it’s first financial year. The company acquired the main assets of the now dissolved SkillsMarket in May 2011. To celebrate, iProfile have launched their new website and announced new strategic partnerships for the year ahead. Mark Callahan, Managing Director in the UK, who set up iProfile with Glen Perry, MD of iProfile in Australia, puts the success down to “a greater focus on our core value proposition to our clients, a simpler and more user-friendly product offering , plus a streamlining of our client implementation process. The company increased its client portfolio by adding 13 new clients in the last year, and now manages over 7 million online CVs/Resumes for candidates in multiple sectors. To further consolidate iProfile’s good fortunes it has created new alliances and partnerships with other organisations in the industry such as TEAM , the association of independent recruiters. Liz Longman, Managing Director of TEAM says, “By grouping all our members together we are able to secure far greater buying power, and access to iProfile’s technology at an amazing price. We are delighted to have the opportunity to finally make the iProfile technology accessible to all of our members.” As a result of this collaboration, iProfile are expecting an increase in their CV Exchange of at least 500,000 candidates. These CVs will move the number of CV’s in the network to around the 8 million mark and go further to improve the value iProfile’s existing client’s gain from the technology. “The volume of change inside the business over the past year has been significant and has been tough at times”, says Glen Perry. “Having said that, the business is now in much better shape than it was previously and we are very excited about what the future holds for us and the industry. I would like to thank our loyal clients and staff – we couldn’t have done this without you!”
By Ben Macpherson January 18, 2012
A survey of job seekers, conducted by iProfile, in January 2012, has revealed a picture of an increasingly flexible and liquid labour market, with more candidates than ever open to contract roles. 
By Ben Macpherson September 15, 2011
Many in the recruitment sector have been waiting with interest to get some indication of iProfile’s prospects, following their acquisition from Skills Market Ltd earlier this year. Initial results, published this week have shown iProfile to be far more resilient than expected, with a raft of new signings, including Sterria, FDM, Optimum IT and Osirian. These results, together with the retention of 85% of pre-existing contracts, has shown iProfile to be very much alive and kicking, and quickly gathering momentum. Mark Callahan, managing director of iProfile says, “Since acquiring iProfile our focus has been on establishing a firm foundation from which we can grow, and reviewing how best to develop our software to increase the benefits to our customers. This is underlined by our most recent release due this month. We are also looking to increase penetration in the sectors we supply, starting with finance and banking. We a have number of current customers who are keen to work with us to expand the use of iProfile into this sector. The iProfile concept of recruiters benefiting by sharing data will work in any sector. It’s simply a question of demonstrating that we have a sufficient volume of candidates”. iProfile are currently in talks with several leading financial recruiters to grow their database of 5 million CVs. Asking Mark if he has just set his sights on the finance sector he commented, “Not at all, we won’t stop here. We’re already looking into engineering, healthcare and pharmaceutical recruitment. As far as we are concerned, no sector should be off limits”.
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